Why You Don’t Have To Give In To Porn Urges As Believers

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Does it really mean that you have to give in to a particular urge to watch porn troubling your mind and body? Cannot you live life comfortably without the instant gratification being offered to you through such moment?

It may be easy to answer these questions mentally when getting to the depth of ourselves when hitting rock bottom, but it’s not so practically speaking when going through the actual moments of experiencing urges.

Because it seems like the habit of viewing porn has some type of powerful artificial intelligence system in itself that’s very effective at convincing porn addicts.

Their typical response has been conditioned by repeated indulgence considering what this vice has to offer.

Porn Urges Piling Pressure On You

When you start resisting the seductive attraction of porn pulling you like a magnet toward indulgence, your resistance can be seen as a wall standing on the way of such desire.

In order for that desire to weaken you, it will start striking that wall of resistance repeatedly until it ends up crumbling.

That desire will try to toss you violently from side to side against your own resistance until you finally cave in to its pressure.

But despite all of that, that desire cannot make you do it without your own consent.

It can only pressure you into caving in.

There’s a decision that has to be made that will determine whether you want to submit yourself under the influence of such desire.

That decision has to be made by you alone.

You Shouldn’t Be Afraid Of Fleshly Desires 

The truth is that if you are afraid of fleshly desires when it comes to resisting sinful urges, then you cannot quit this habit.

The flesh uses a tactic based purely on fear in order to intimidate people from resisting its sinful urges such as: the fear of what will happen if you don’t get that instant relief.

Fear is the primal language of the flesh when it cannot get what it desperately wants.

Therefore, with the power of the Holy Spirit in your life, you shouldn’t fear the desires of the flesh.

The desires of the flesh manifests themselves through transitory moments by means of thoughts and feelings that will fade away at some point.

Fleshly desires come and go.

The big issue is that these transitory moments are often perceived by porn addicts in their sheer desperation to get a quick relief as an eternity.

When urges hit, they have a tendency to react to them in a fearful and panicking manner, which falls in line with how the flesh wants them to react.

It’s true that when urges come, it can be quite overwhelming if you don’t know how to deal with them.

But their intensity will eventually recede if you are willing to wait them out.

The Holy Spirit Is Your Helper

You need to come to the knowledge of the truth that the same way that fleshly desires are exerting pressure on you to act accordingly is the exact same way the Spirit of God can keep you from falling.

It’s the same way that the Spirit of God can fight and push back against these desires on your behalf (Galatians 5:17).

He is able to strengthen you spiritually, so that you may be able to resist fleshly desires that are waging war against your soul if you’re willing to submit yourself to Him regardless of how you may feel in a given moment.

Because it’s not really all about how you feel.

It’s all about what you know is the right thing to do according to the truth of the Word of God.

How you feel cannot dictate your behavior if you truly want to live according to the truth.

The same way that fleshly desires are trying to take over your mind in order to influence you to act accordingly is the same way that the Spirit of God can take control of your mind in order to empower you to resist these desires.

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