No More Pleasures Left In That Favorite Sin (Just Repent)

Living for God /

Did you know that the very last moment of pleasure that you are eagerly looking forward to in that sin you are trapped in is just an illusion?

The idea that there are still untapped or unenjoyed pleasures left or hidden in a particular sin is such a dangerous and deceptive tendency, which is driving perpetually those being caught up in habitual sinful behaviors.

It produces that disastrous mindset and belief that they cannot repent until they’ve fully enjoyed that final dosage of pleasure, which becomes something that they diligently look forward to no matter what the cost may be.

So there’s a final point or defining moment they deceptively believe that they have to reach first.

There’s a last moment of pleasure that has to be enjoyed just to make sure they absorb as much of it as they can before a final decision to get right with God could be made.

Therefore, the prospect of them making such critical decision is all based on that very final moment, which doesn’t exist at all in reality.

This has become a driving force motivating them in their desperate pursuit to keep on indulging in that sin while wasting crucial opportunities to repent.

The truth is that as you’re desperately seeking that pleasure, you will soon discover that very pleasure that you’ve been looking for all along in that sin with the hope that it will be just enough to fully satisfy your sinful desires once for all so that you can make a decision to repent isn’t the real issue at all.

It’s just the tip of the iceberg of your sin problems because you’re dealing with insatiable sinful desires. 

The enemy which you have allowed to work in your life through that sin will never let you go.

There’s something deep going on behind the scene.

There’s something demonic that goes beyond your own awareness of the reality that is in constant motion in your life.

First, that pleasure doesn’t even exist.

Second, if you were to ever find it, you would never be satisfied fully.

Meaning that you will experience further desires to keep indulging in that sin.

What you’re desperately looking for within the context of a particular experience that you long to have will always be something that goes beyond that experience.

Because sinful desires have no restraints. You are dealing with out of range desires. 

Their manifestations will always go beyond whatever timeline you could have ever set.

They are well grounded outside the realm of God’s will. Meaning that they will always take you further than you were willing to go.

These sinful desires won’t be confined entirely within that very last experience that you want to have in the sense that they won’t continue to manifest themselves after having that experience.

They will keep on pushing you toward that same behavior.

It simply means that you have to make a decision to repent by either giving or rededicating your life to God through Christ before it’s too late.

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