Read This Now If You Are Suicidal Due To Trauma

Overcoming Trauma /

Dear readers, the main point of this publication is don’t kill yourself no matter what.

It’s unequivocally clear that trauma memories hijacking the mind persistently and brutally could potentially lead to someone being suicidal.

Here are some of the situations that you may have been going through that might set off suicidal thoughts.

You’ve reached a highly critical point in your life where this trauma issue has become way too much for you to handle.

The massive weight you have to carry around through the realm of your mental, emotional, and physical state of being has become so burdensome.

It seems like both your mind and brain are about to blow up due to the enormous pressure of aggressive flashbacks overrunning them.

You’ve gotten weary and overwhelmed and begun to lose hope about the future prospect of life.

Consequently, you become persuaded in your bones that there’s no way you can continue to live in such hurtful and hopeless situation any longer since there’s no sign that things will ever get better.

You find yourself in a fragile situation where you feel completely disconnected from the true purpose of life.

What you went through has gotten to a disproportionate size where it overshadows the true purpose of living life.

You are in some type of free fall in life where there seems to be nothing deemed worthwhile that can sustain you to continue to live.

So, you are wondering if that’s all this life has to offer, thus life is perceived as meaningless in that regard.

Overall, you find yourself spiraling out of control into some form of mental, emotional, and sensational spin where you are gripped with fear, severe anxiety, depression, unwanted thoughts, terrifying memories, nightmares, flashbacks, and so on.

Consequently, your ability to think right, positively, and optimistically about the future has plummeted and darkened to the degree that you’ve come to the realization that suicide is the sole option left on the table.

And to kind of put that into perspective to illustrate it further, you’ve been climbing that very steep and treacherous mountain of life, so you’ve reached a point where you’ve grown so tired and frustrated because of the circumstances; therefore, the idea to just give up on yourself by jumping down to your death suddenly pops up into your mind.

If that’s the case for any of you reading this, I’m asking you right now in the authority and power of the name of Jesus Christ, don’t do it.

Why Killing Yourself Isn’t The Solution And Will Never Be 

The principal reason is that this is not the end of it at all.

The value and purpose of your life should never be limited to your past traumatic experiences.

By the grace and mercy of God Almighty, there’s a way out of it regardless of how dark the circumstances unfolding around your life may have been all along.

Keep in mind that all your struggles are linked to the fact that you find yourself within the level of reality that comes before conquering this problem.

You are still in front of that huge mountain trying to climb it.

In this case, your struggles get to define your perception about the future to a significant degree.

Your perception about the future seems to be a pure reflection of what you’ve been enduring all along.


You’ve not experienced yet life from a post-traumatic setting in which the underlying issues troubling your mind are all gone.

The very mindset fueling suicidal thoughts regarding a painful issue which has been ongoing is based upon the idea that things will always be the same. Therefore, it’s pointless for you to keep pushing forward when all that lies ahead is more of the same misery and pain.

The good news is that you’ll be surprised of how you’ve made it, and how rewarding life can be when you finally get to the side of victory over this challenge.

A dreadful past life should not get to extend itself perpetually like a thick dark cloud over your entire future to the extent that it gets to determine whether you’ll want to continue to live and enjoy life or not.

Come on beloved!

Don’t let your past to overcome you by means of getting you to destroy a bright future lying ahead.

A Call To Resist The Temptation Of Suicide In Face Of Challenges

It may be hard but killing yourself by trying to forcefully eliminate yourself from the equation of life and its challenges will not solve the problem as desperation may want you to falsely believe.

If the thought has been lingering subtly within the back of your mind, just think about it all the way through.

What about the painful reality that you would leave behind if you were to be gone in such a tragic fashion?

What about the implications that would eventually have on your loved ones as they are trying to process such painful loss?

Don’t remedy your own pain by means of brutal pain to terminate your life by leaving pain behind for your loved ones.

Do you get the point that I’m making here?

The point is that even though killing yourself may be felt as a sensible thing to do considering what you’ve been through to end the suffering once for all, but don’t take that route.

Don’t take that route again since you can do way better than that by the grace of God.

Don’t view your life solely within the lens of you considering the option of being willing to do something to end it all but through the lens that there are people who love and deeply care about you and would like you to be happy, healthy, and successful in life.

Beloved, I may not know you, but I care about you, your future, and your eternity by the grace and love of God.

I Can Relate To Your Pain

What you went through, such as the rapes, molestations, abandonment, abuses, brutality, torture, beatings, humiliations, and so forth may be far more severe and dreadful than what I went through myself.

But I do understand the frustration, confusion, fear, panic, worry, discouragement, and desperation, distress, and pain this problem has been inflicting upon you. I can relate to that to a large degree.

This issue puts you into a tough situation in which you literally find yourself venturing in a dangerous thick darkness with no end in plain sight desperately seeking for lasting relief, peace, comfort, and healing from the gut wrenching wounds and pains of your past.

Although it has been months, years, or even decades since so many of you have been seeking relief, but keep in mind that if you can get that far struggling with such mind-boggling issue, this truly shows how incredibly strong and resilient you are.

There’s hope behind that dark reality. There’s healing and restoration through Christ Jesus behind the mountain of your past trauma memories.

There’s a much better life lying ahead of you in which you will finally get over this problem.

Life itself is a combination of one moment after the other. It’s a combination of good and bad moments.

I am pretty sure that amid your struggles, there have been times through which you’ve gotten some relief allowing you to experience some great and wonderful moments where it’s as though this issue was non-existent.

But at the same token, there have been times where intrusive thoughts and how you feel in a given moment concerning your past torment you just as if this issue has just happened to you.

These painful memories get stuck in the forefront of your mind, thus overshadowing other wonderful memories of life.

The Significance Of Having The Right Information

The key here is to enrich your knowledge about this problem with the right type of information to effectively deal with it for you to get healed so that it will no longer dominate your present or future.

What’s weighing you down isn’t just the memories of what happened to you, but the horrible feelings that invade your mind and body that come along with it.

The feeling becomes structural overtime; thus, it sits itself in a particular area of your body.

Whenever the thoughts come across your mind, your brain try to simulate the very reality you were in accordance with the memories. Oftentimes, it does the simulation even worse than what happened to you.

You can feel what’s going on vividly just as if it happened the other day. The pain seems to be locked up in a particular area of your body like a thorn in the flesh.

The good news is that you can and will reach a point of victory and normalcy where these past trauma memories will finally lose their mental, emotional, and sensational power over your life by the power of God’s grace.

This following verse says it all. It’s of course a verse that you can pound on through meditation and prayer with all your might.

Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).

The Lord is able to provide you rest for your soul.

In short, don’t kill yourself.

You are much greater than your current circumstance. Life has so much more to offer you in God through Christ Jesus.

Don’t let negative feelings and thoughts dictate what you should do with your life.

Don’t destroy your life which is something that has an eternal value on the altar of a temporal issue that can be overcome.

Instead trust in the power of God Almighty to sustain you until you get to the other side of this issue.

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