Becoming A Better Wife In Christ Hinges In These 3 Pillars

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Evidently, we’re currently living in such a horrifying age where assuming our God-given responsibilities compels us to rise above all the negativities that surround our lives. Everything seems to be going against what God is actually telling us to do for His sake.

We’re being bombarded with various types of world viewpoints that are based purely on the deception of the enemy. God is trying to strengthen marriages in a way that reflects His initial plan while Satan is doing the exact opposite. The world is so messed up to the extent that trying to live a responsible life before God can make you become an object of mock and ridicule.

Marriage which is a unique and sacred institution created by God is coming under lot of attacks as well. The question is how can women make sure that they assume their God-given responsibilities in face of adversity in order for them to become better wives in Christ? We’ll go over 3 major things that should be stressed on heavily.

1) Having a Clear Understanding of What The Christian Life is All About.

First, the Christian life is considered as a form of selfless life centered totally upon Christ. In fact, that’s pretty much what it means to be a Christian. Living that kind of life is based upon what Christ has done and what He’s willing to do within us. We do certain things on behalf of others not only to please Christ but to express plainly what He’s doing within us with respect to transformation. As a wife, the responsibilities that you have toward Christ as your Lord and Savior should always come first because nobody else is able to do what Christ has done for you (1 John 3:16).

Your ability to carry out what God has asked you to do within your marriage is totally dependent on how you live your life in the light of what Christ has done for you. The type of love that you’re expressing to your husband should be a pure reflection of the love of God being manifested in you through the person of Christ. By holding a genuine understanding of that, this will help you to move on with other tasks with a mindset set on glorifying Christ.

2) Your Willingness to Apply the Word of God in Your Life is Critical.

In our finite mind, we’ll never be able to fully comprehend how valuable the Word of God is. The point is that everything that God is doing through people is done in relation to what’s written in His Word. How you treat the Word is precisely how you treat God Himself. When looking at (Ephesians 5:22-33), which talks about the responsibility women have toward their husbands, it’s not really something that sits well with many women. However, the bottom line is that how people may feel in response to what God has said isn’t really what matter. Your main job as a Christian wife has to do with your willingness to apply the Word in your life.

God has also given husbands their own responsibility which is to love their wives as Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5:25). This is a form of love that goes far deeper than the human love we have. The way that Scripture depicts love in (1 Corinthians 13:4-7) clearly demonstrates that love has to be expressed in a selfless and constructive manner, meaning that it has to be about the other person involved. Responsibility is the essence of marriage. If husbands are willing to take their own responsibility to love their wives as Christ loves the church by allowing Him to control their desires, submission should be ensued.

3) Faith in God is Actually What Strengthens You to Become The Type of Wife God Wants You to be.

Entering a marriage covenant doesn’t mean that problems will not come up. God knows that maintaining a marriage isn’t an easy undertaking. He provides clear instructions regarding how both individuals should behave in such covenant. Bear in mind, there’s a life-changing purpose behind the Word of God. That life-changing purpose can only be materialized into your life through your willingness to obey what the Word says in relation to your faith in God. 

In the midst of unpleasant issues that you’ll face as a Christian wife who wants to glorify Christ, the type of faith you’re willing to exercise in God is of great importance. Since God is the One who’ve created such institution, He must be the very One that you entrust with issues that you have no control over. Whatever God will do within your marriage covenant will take place as a result of your faith in Him. God may not intervene when you most expect Him to do so, but He’ll always be on time. The core foundation of having a Christ-centered marriage is laid upon trusting God.

In short, whatever issue a marriage is struggling with in most cases is connected to either one of the couple’s unwillingness to abide with the Word of God. One thing that’s worthwhile to wonder about is how marriage would be like if both individuals were willing to assume their responsibilities to each other earnestly?

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